Pants: River island , another nice one here || Top: similar here, here || Purse: warehouse, similar here || Necklace: Zara || Watch: Marc jacobs
P.s- these pants are on sale in river island now, you're lucky you can bag that bargain i never got.
Let's get philosophical..
I've been catching up on the TV show- suits lately (talk about being late to the party) and i'm currently at the end of season four. You know that part where louise is angry at himself, everyone and everything, yeah, that's where am at. It's interesting how irrational people can get when they are sad, discouraged or failed. It makes me have a lot of respect for people who have attained some form of emotional maturity and understand when to express anger, how to express it and to whom. And most importantly, people who can let things go truly and honestly. How far can one live without this really.