And I hope you amazing body of talent reading this become even more inspired to pursue your God-given purpose irrespective of your age.
David Opkins
Hello beautiful people,
I'm so excited and can't keep myself any longer from sharing this amazing talent with you. I mean, by now you already know how i regularly come at you with the new buzz, inspirations and young talents excelling in their fields, well today is no exception, we're all about 'David Opkins" in Lagos today!

The brain behind this amazing suede and velvet bow-ties for red carpet, corporate & dinner events is Akinyemi Opeoluwa. Whilst he just recently moved back to Nigeria from Manchester, Uk, i can't help but marvel at how much he's got planned already. First from his "David opkins" line are these gorgeous bow-ties. I mean, they look so good, even i will be getting one myself.
The quality is top-notch and i'm so impressed myself!
Make sure to tell your brothers to tell their friends to tell their cousins to tell their boyfriends to get one too. It's absolutely the best way to give off that dapper look without looking like you've tried too hard.
What next do we expect from the line? I'm so sorry guys, i love you, but i can't even spill this one. You need to start following him yourself to find out.
He's Davidopkins on -Instagram
Davidopkins -Twitter -Facebook
Need i say more? join the David Opkins bandwagon!! Now don't say i didn't tell you then :)
Lot's and lot's of Love,
The Aspiring sartorialist
Follow me on Instagram- @tosinakande || Twitter- tosin_adebola
Delos Bokwe
To fundamentally begin by explaining how much i love getting inspired is my first step to beginning to sound like a scratched record. An avid reader of my blog will be able to attest to the fact that inspiration, is my pleasurable food. Now you know that it is with much pleasure that i present to you,
Delos Bokwe.
I vividly remember the first time he told me about going into music, and how i smiled it off, do you really blame me? But his persistence, drive and talent have made it more difficult for myself and many others to turn a blind eye.
He released his cover to 2 face's "rainbow" and "let it go" -passenger, and i say this not as his friend, but his biggest critic, i'm very much impressed. He's undoubtedly talented, but what gets me is how hard working he also is. From the Acs event, to more campus performances, he's been pushing the boundaries. And with his first single produced by Biano (of Wizkid's starboy music label) set to be released, we definitely have one to anticipate.
Two things i'm not ashamed to say i've learnt from him over time which i would want every reader of this post to leave with;
1) Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence, TALENT will not. There's nothing more common than unsuccessful men with talent. You need to begin to walk the walk. There may be people who have more talent than you, but there's no reason for anyone to work much harder than you.
2) No one will take you seriously at first, some may criticise you, others will have a good laugh, but you need to turn a blind eye to the things that will not motivate you towards your goal. It's only a matter of time before they begin to realise their mistake.
That being said, i've linked his covers below, thank me later :)
Also be sure to subscribe to his youtube - (David Bokwe)
(David Bokwe's cover to let her go-passenger)
(David's cover to 2face's rainbow)
Subscribe to his youtube page - "delos Bokwe" for more updates, covers and singles.
Thank me later ;)
Lots & Lots of Love,
The Aspiring Sartorialist x
I'm very excited to be posting this.By now, it's no news the joy i get from knowing and observing young people, embracing their interests and passion and pursuing them wholeheartedly regardless of how conventional or not, it appears. It's even greater joy for me if i'm opportune to be a part of this progress/movement.
In a nutshell, *drum-rolls* the Miss Afro-Beauty Pageant, A Miss England beauty pageant for people of colour, will be coming up on the 3rd of April, 2014 at More restaurant, Leicester. This is an opportunity for all young ladies that have dreamt, desired and aspired to contests like this, to take the bull by the horn.
Do you think you've got what it takes? or are you still contemplating? Don't let your nervousness get in the way, as you're just a click away from becoming the next Miss Afro-beauty England.
To apply- Click Here, all the details are provided in the link.
To attend -Ticket prices & info are all provided in the link
I won't leave without saying a well-done to Miss Ruth Mukete, and the whole Miss Afro-beauty team for idealising and planning for such a great show. The concept & vision behind the pageant, which is essentially to create a platform for young girls of the African and Caribbean descent to do more for themselves is impressive and enviable.
Miss Ruth Mukete, who was Miss Leicestershire herself in 2013, and a finalist for Miss England in 2013, as since taken it upon herself to encourage and nurtue positive growth in young women and empower them to become what they've always dreamt of. I'm very proud of all she's achieved so far and even more excited for what's to come. And, I have no doubt that, the Miss-Afro beauty show is going to be a success, as all the buzz and hype about it has been positive, and the candidates registered so far, are all beautiful, passionate and very dedicated. I'm very excited myself, and don't be surprised when i show up, as i'm one of their many media partners. Whoop! ;)
It's going to be a night of glamour, culture, networking, entertainment and empowerment.
For more information, visit their website at
or email- /
Lots & Lots of Love
The Aspiring Sartorialist xx
I've said this before, and for the sake of the people coming on my blog for the first time, i should say it again, I love getting inspired. I love young people moving beyond their comfort zone, breaking boundaries and achieving great results in their niche. It not only encourages other young people that very few things are impossible if one is determined but also raises the bar for them. Now you can tell that it was definitely with much pleasure that i embraced the opportunity to interview Boj and Fresh L of DRB last week, after their performance at the "DRB Halloween party" in plymouth.
These artists have taken Nigeria by storm, to many people, they came unannounced & without warning, and since then it's been from one hit single to another. From the very successful Industry Night in Lagos, Nigeria to performances in London, Birmingham, Plymouth, Manchester, etc, not only are we glued to our screens, but they genuinely keep us wanting more.
I'm going to keep this as brief as possible as no one enjoys reading long texts really :) and it's important to note that i interviewed them separately, as i had specific questions for each of them.
From your successful mix tape "bojonthemicrphone' to many more collaborations with Lynxx, Lola Rae, SDC, Ajebutter, etc, and shows literally everywhere, with no doubt it's been a wonderful year for you Boj,
What inspired you to go into music?
-I just stumbled into it really, it wasn't my intention, like i didn't deliberately plan it, i just recorded a few songs and people liked it and i just carried on from there.
Impressive, you've been able to achieve a lot so far, any favourites?
That's a hard question but it's mostly been performances, as we are still up and coming as DRB, basically the New years event that we are blessed to do every year now is one, also the recent P-square show/tour that we performed in alongside other big shows have been my best so far.
Do you have any regret(s) so far?
Not Really, i mean people make mistakes every now and then but we're meant to learn from them. All the mistakes i've made have turned out to be blessings in disguise at the end of the day, so it's all good. no regrets atall.
Do you have any advice for upcoming artists/young people who want to be like you?
I will say 'just do your thing'. There will always be people who will try to bring you down, that's the human behaviour, but as long as you fight for what you believe in and do what you deem right, you will be alright.
And, although people always say "don't listen to what people say" you have to actually listen to what people have to say about you and your music. At the end of the day, they are the ones listening to and buying your songs and coming for your performances, so their opinions matter.
But don't you think, that will essentially push young artists to be merely what others want them to be?
It depends, you can always tell when it's constructive criticisms or pure hate. Once you're able to distinguish, you will be fine. Learn from the people who constructively criticise you and you will become better. It's not about becoming what others want/expect you to be but developing your true self with the constructive criticisms.
What should your fans look forward to/expect?
I will be dropping a few singles and a video as-well. There should be quite alot to look forward to.
Boj was quite calm, and thorough in answering the questions, and he strikes me as quite a mature person.
Fresh L
Dropping your mix tape, '93's Best' to successful Industry Night and many more shows, you have achieved a lot and definitely been on the scene a lot,
How does all these feel?
It's a good feeling, like we appreciate everything, 'cos we know we have so much more to prove to people. Like the past 2years have been very eventful, we are just grateful and appreciate all our fans and others that have made it worthwhile.
Of all your achievements so far, are there any that you're particularly proud of/your best?
'mehn ...selling merchandise and sold out shows last year, that was really good, and literally the single 'toyin' and some other hit tracks we dropped online. All these have been good.
Any Regrets so far/What would you change if you could?
Nothing actually, well then again, if i could change something, i won't lie, it will be the video for the song 'toyin' (laughs)
Every now and then, we read that Fresh L is in a controversy on twitter, is there anything you would like to say about it/ clear the air?
(smiles) At the end of the day, i'm a rapper and people will always have different opinions about me, but i just took it out on there, yeah
Does it bother you sometimes, honestly?
Like one out of like twenty, you get what i mean, like there's still so much love out there, so shout out to people who actually love me.
I'm not sure exactly what i was expecting, but Fresh L was much nicer & friendly than i anticipated. He strikes me as a genuinely nice person. And I honestly respected his response to the last two questions and that was particularly inspiring for me. Being in the entertainment industry is harder than it usually seems, these artists are constantly in the lime light and have to deal with a lot of hate. Many a times, all it takes is one response for critics to analysize, scrutinise and bring out whichever meaning(s) they deem fit in your words. I didn't understand this, till i took the time to. It's easy to criticise, but showing love & support always goes a long way.
*Tezee was not present for the concert, hence i couldn't interview him for you guys :(
Make sure you also buy your tickets for the DRB concert (on the 23rd December) Harbour Point, VI Lagos. Other performers like Davido, Lola Rae, Dr sid, Ajebutter, Ozzy b, show dem camp, Bonafide crew, Ope Teflon etc will be there.
You shouldn't have to miss that! :)
And you can also catch them at the GTcrea8 concert, Indigo O2 on the Friday, 15th Novemeber.
Other pictures from the night:
Photo credits: Tanye Charuka Photography.
And a massive well done to Laolu, Ujay, and all the members of the plymouth team for putting the event together.
God Inspired.
Lots & Lots of Love
The Aspiring Sartorialist xx
Follow on Instagram || Twitter for more updates.
Subscribe (the tab is on the left), and leave your questions & comments below :)
I was impressed to find out that he also styled two nigerian artists, Bonafide crew and Ajebutter in their upcoming video for the song "Atide". One of the many reasons i can't wait for the video.

Most of all, I'm impressed that a young man as himself has had the courage to follow his dreams, carved a niche for himself, and is consistent & focused enough to have started a label himself and hosted successful shows.
I really do not despise the days of small beginnings. If he continues at this rate, the sky would only be his starting point. Don't say i didn't say so.
Be inspired. Start small. Do whatever your hands find to do.
And remember to make God the starting point.
Lots of Love,
The Aspiring Sartorilaist x
Instagram || Twitter
Hey Guys,
Whoop! we talking about N.C.S today, a program that is generating a lot of vibe!
- So what exactly is N.C.S?
NCS is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity open to all 16 & 17 year old's in England, that helps you build your skills for work and life, while you take on new challenges and meet new friends.
- What are the benefits to you?
Subscribe (the tab is on the left), and leave your questions & comments below :)
I get inspired easily. My blog name has only further given this off cheaply.
I get inspired easily. My blog name has only further given this off cheaply.
I love seeing young people like myself moving beyond their comfort zone, doing whatever their hands find to do, and achieving greatness in their niche. It's the reason i'm so excited to share this self-made young designer to you. Please meet Christian Ihuoma, the brain behind 'INSPIREDBYHS'
Apart from fact that he's hosted successful shows in major cities such as Colchester, Essex. Notthingham, Oxford and Manchester, to add to his credit, he's also Gizmo's personal suit designer.
HS, as he's commonly known, got most of his fashion design training from the very popular Nigerian fashion designer, Mister Silva. He further went ahead to start his label 'inspiredbyhs' here in England, where he schools, to majorly design suits & blazers for men.
I actually first heard about him when one of my friends, Jide had designed & modelled his camouflage blazer for the show in Essex. He had sent me the pictures and i remember loving the blazers. I was particularly impressed by the quality and overall finishing of all the blazers by HS.
Most of all, I'm impressed that a young man as himself has had the courage to follow his dreams, carved a niche for himself, and is consistent & focused enough to have started a label himself and hosted successful shows.
I really do not despise the days of small beginnings. If he continues at this rate, the sky would only be his starting point. Don't say i didn't say so.
Be inspired. Start small. Do whatever your hands find to do.
And remember to make God the starting point.
For Info/Booking contact hs: +447511497377
Twitter :@simply_hs OR
Jide: +447565634106
Twitter :@jide_ibrahim
Show your support.
Lots of Love,
The Aspiring Sartorilaist x
Instagram || Twitter
Hey Guys,
Whoop! we talking about N.C.S today, a program that is generating a lot of vibe!
- So what exactly is N.C.S?
NCS is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity open to all 16 & 17 year old's in England, that helps you build your skills for work and life, while you take on new challenges and meet new friends.
It runs in the spring, summer and autumn. You'll have a short time away from home and take part in a team project that will help your community.
- What are the benefits to you?
- You get to take on new challenges and learn new skills
- Make a difference while making new friends
- Grow your confidence and your CV
- Experience something new as you help out your community
- Graduate with a certificate signed by the Prime Minister
- Sounds good, so how do i register?
To register with a programme in your local area, click >>
- Just before you go
Check out this video of Amazing Patricia of Britpoprincess or the 'moments of style' blogger interviewing one of the volunteer workers Tanika.
There are upcoming videos from Alfie from the pointless blog and more from your favourite bloggers & youtubers!! (if that's a
Now, you can watch my short video summarizing the above points :)
Click >> My Video
Lots & Lots of Love,
The Aspiring Sartorialist x
Don't forget to like, subscribe and leave your commnts :)
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